Utilise SGD500 SkillsFuture Credit
for your NLP Certification Training!

It’s official!


Mind Transformations’ NLP Certification programmes are approved by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), and you can now claim your Skills Future Credit for this training!


Go to the Skills Future Course Search page, key in “NLP Practitioner” and you’ll find us there!
Starting Jan 2016, all Singaporeans aged 25 and above are eligible for the Skills Future Credit.

This NLP Training is for people who want to stay ahead in their work and life!

You’ll be working on the 3 Highest-Leveraging Skills – Communication, Coaching & Self-Mastery – to improve your personal influence and leadership.


The Top 5 Benefits Reported by Our NLP Practitioners:

  1. Ability to build rapport with difficult people – through improved flexibility in communication and understanding “the language” people speak
  2. Asking intelligent questions to lead conversations & uncover the hidden meaning behind people’s words
  3. Being in control of one’s own mind, overcoming negative emotions and changing bad habits with structured NLP processes
  4. Gaining greater self-confidence and self-esteem using NLP Presuppositions and learning to proactively change one’s self-defeating inner-dialogue
  5. Creating clarity, ownership and simplicity to take action with the NLP coaching framework

“NLP has helped me to work better with the people around me. I seem to have picked up a knack for understanding their intentions and picking up cues on whether I am communicating effectively.

I am glad that through the program, I have picked up some new beliefs on receiving feedback, breaking down perceptions and that I am in charge of my mind. Those beliefs have made me more confident in my communication with my colleagues and with the tools learnt in the program I was able to reconstruct hidden intentions and extract people’s values and belief systems too.

Without trying too hard, I find myself being able to appreciate my colleagues and family in a new light and it’s just amazing.”

– Benson Sim
Corporate Trainer

3 Reasons to Take This Training Now:

  1. Instant Application: just on communication alone, you’ll see an improvement in the way people respond to you!
    NLP is not a silver bullet. It’s a framework to build rapport and create understanding through pacing and leading, observing for strain in rapport, and knowing the language people speak. By applying NLP into your communication skills, you’ll see an improvement in your work, your relationships and your overall happiness! Don’t you want to have this now?
  2. Self empowerment and faster recovery from falls
    If you’re motivated and unswayable by the ups and downs of life – you can surely do more, contribute more and you’ll be happier. This does not mean that NLP Practitioners are forever motivated and unswayable; but they do have the ability to recover faster and their resilience improves much quicker – compared to others. Think about getting back on your feet faster – starting now!
  3. Repeat successes confidently
    Real success is having the ability to be consistent and repeat successes. Whether you’re trying to teach your success to others, or repeat your own success, NLP gives you a stable framework to draw out the leveraging points that create results; and the anti-leveraging points that are critical to avoid. You can stop trying out each possibility, but have the clarity and confidence to hit on where it matter the most!

“NLP was one of the turning points of my life: I’ve learned to become the best I could be.

The biggest shift for me was that I finally understood what had stopped me from doing what I wanted. I also gained the ability to centre myself when under great pressure and I’ve increased my emotional stability.

It took me 5 years to join the programme… Had I done it 5 years earlier, I would now be 5 years ahead of where I am today! So saying we have “no time” is an excuse; actually, we just don’t make time.”

– Joseph Wong
Behavioural Transformation Coach, TrainingGearAsia


Get Onboard the Next Intake

No fluff, just practical stuff!

Mind Transformations’ NLP Training is unlike any other training you’ve ever experienced. It’s not an information download course; it’s not a rah-rah motivational programme either.

You spend more than half the time on very practical exercises that you can re-use in your work and life, you learn to empower others, and you’ll see yourself and your coursemates improve – in confidence, leadership and personal influence.

We teach you how to teach NLP – and that’s the best way to learn!

Our classes are always filled to the brim. With the SkillsFuture Credit, the seats will surely be taken up even faster!

Start your NLP education with us! It’ll give you a lasting edge in everything you do.

Got questions? Ask away!

We ALWAYS reply within 36 hours.