Recognise how we are striving in our lives
We all want to get to the next level in our lives, but in this challenging period, it's hard to know how to navigate.
With all these volatility, uncertainty & never-ending changes happening around us, our expectations, standards, outcomes and plans are constantly disrupted. What used to work for us may not be working well anymore in getting the success we used to have.
Hence, it puts many of us in a striving mode - fighting towards our goals and plans.

We want to appear that we are doing well, happy and successful in front of others. At the same time, inside of us, we are experiencing increasing turbulence. There seems to be this ongoing tension within ourselves.
Therefore, it is essential to recognise the early signals of how we are striving, so we can start working on ourselves to thrive more often.
Here are some possible signs you might find familiar:
How do Counselling, Therapy and Coaching differ?
As you get to see in the webinar series included below, striving and thriving is a spectrum. When it comes to getting the necessary support, one of the questions we were commonly asked is this: "What is the difference between counselling, therapy and coaching?"
Counselling and therapy are often confused for one another, and sometimes counselling is used interchangeably with coaching. There are many similarities between counselling, therapy & coaching but there are also some key differences.
Professional counselling & other forms of therapy focus more on the past & present to help you cope with difficult times; they can take place in a group setting or individually. There is more emphasis on healing. As much as we like to move on with life, sometimes, we may experience bouts of breakdown, disorders, addictive habits or dealing with our emotional traumas or any other intense psychological issues or mental illness. The capacity to regulate oneself and one's capacity to function in their day-to-day lives are usually the signs that therapy and counselling would be most useful. If they struggle in those aspects, they might want to start from therapy or counselling first to get themselves together in order to move forward effectively.
Coaching is a process that focuses on one's inner game - mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth towards their future outcomes. The process involves whole-person development to maximize one's personal and professional potential. It aids in the speeding of the rate at which individuals achieve high performance, which cuts down the time it takes to get there. Clients are better focused and able to deliver more with their skills, experiences, talents and abilities. Professional coaching implements multiple strategies to achieve what clients want in their lives, which significantly increases the probability of their success.
Whether counselling, therapy or coaching would be most suitable depends on where the person is in the spectrum of striving and thriving as mentioned in the webinar series below. If they are already doing well but would like to do even better, then coaching is the way to go. If they are struggling and need more support in order for them to get back on their feet, counselling or therapy may be a better starting point. Again, not everyone is the same even if they are on the same path in the spectrum. One-on-one assessment is necessary to help the person decide. Ultimately, it is about adopting a complementary approach to both.
Coaching is multiplying your ability to thrive and get to the next level.

Thriving is a space where you find that happiness, fulfillments, performance, higher levels of success and results flow, grow and expand for you, not by luck, but through constant inner preparation.
This inner preparation is where you go deep within yourself and start to work on your development as a whole person. The key here is engaging your whole-person development.
Many times people strive because they separate themselves into disconnected parts - silos. A common example is, people see that their work is work, personal is personal - work and personal life needs to be separated.
From a humanistic NLP coaching perspective, you have the resources, potential and ownership in you to thrive, grow and reach the next level of success. Coaching is multiplying your ability to thrive by bringing out the higher potential and deeper resources in you.
One begins to shift from striving to thriving when he or she moves from focusing on trying to control the external factors to develop their inner qualities. By coaching their human qualities, they enrich themselves with flexibility, choice and ownership in response to external circumstances.
At the same time, they hold a compassionate space for themselves when they are in a striving mode sometimes, recognizing that humans have flaws and vulnerabilities.
Thriving happens when you begin to embrace the side of you that is also striving. It takes an integrative and inclusive approach to thrive.
“You have the potential to thrive, without having to put down the side of you that is striving.”
Learn from the different professionals on how to make it possible to shift from Striving to Thriving
We like to share with everyone this recent webinar series: From Striving to Thriving.
A professional counsellor & psychotherapist, Navroop Sood, who is also an NLP Practitioner from Mind Transformations hosted this empowering session. It was a meaningful and richly rewarding exchange among our Life Coach Certification trainer, Joseph Ch’ng and Jass Malaney, who is a Professional Leadership Coach with 28 years of experience.
In this session, you'll get to learn:
Mark it on your calendar to watch this entire episode and learn from the various perspectives.
Let us know where you are in this spectrum and what are your plans to enable you to thrive more often. Send us your questions via < >