Welcome to the LAB Profile® Practitioner's Training. We are very grateful to journey with you into the invisible world of language patterns and words that change minds.
Time is one of the most expensive things in the world. Hence, our intention is to help you maximise your time spent in this training. This page gives you all the information you need to be ready.
Class Schedule
24 - 25 Jul
1 – 7pm SGT / 9am - 3pm MRU
28 Jul
(A) 1 – 4pm SGT / 9am - 12pm MRU
(B) 7 – 10pm SGT / 3pm - 7pm MRU
31 Jul
1 – 4pm SGT / 9am - 12pm MRU
06 - 08 Aug
1 – 7pm SGT / 9am - 3pm MRU
Important Preparation
1. Ensure that you have the equipment and software to join this virtual training.
We’ll be using Zoom.
Please join this training with a laptop/PC where you have a big screen, webcam and speakers/earphones. We’ll be running interactive activities and we don’t want you to be limited by a small screen/Zoom app on smartphones and tablets.
All our cameras will be on throughout the training so that we can make one another comfortable in the learning exercises, and our team can also check in on your well-being and progress in class.
To download the latest version of Zoom:
Simple tutorial on using Zoom:
2. By now, you’d have received your personalised Zoom link to join the virtual training.
If you have not received it, please register here:
3. Set up a comfortable learning environment for yourself.
This training is once-in-a-lifetime, enriched by your participation and contribution in class. There will be interactive learning activities, paced exercises and a full-scale competition. Please create the conditions that allow you to be fully focused for 6 hours, with proper lighting and no work distractions.
4. We’ll have a number of breaks throughout the training so that you can be in an optimal learning state.
The longest break is 35 minutes, around 3:40pm SG / 11:40am MRU.
Do make the necessary arrangement for your meals.
5. Pre-course Reading & Video
By now, you’d have received an email from Brilliant Minds to set up your Online Academy account.
If you’ve not received it, please head over to this link, key in your email/name to reset your password:
Once you have logged in, look for LAB Profile Certification in Association with Mind Transformations.
Click Start Programme. Complete all the items inside. This takes you only about an hour.

6. Join the Class WhatsApp group
We'll be sending class instructions through this group, and also for everyone to stay in touch and further the learning.
Click this link below and join the WhatsApp group:
Action Step:
Could you please drop me an acknowledgement so that I know you have the necessary to get started?
Click here to send me a message.
Or reach me at +65 9323 2427 / joseph@nlpsgasia.com
Today we live in a knowledge-abundant world where information is easily available at our fingertips; but learning, it is a different thing altogether.
Learning is a muscle, an ability that we acquire through experience. This is why we aim to create a practical learning experience, one where you acquire tangible skills beyond head knowledge. We ask that you be fully present and ready to stretch. Our entire team will be walking with you to help you maximise your development.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions.