Alayna Seah
(*This sharing was transcribed from a verbal transcript of Alayna's spoken thoughts.)
I've learned and grown a lot – how to manage my emotions, choose my words, listen actively, and ask questions with intention.

1) What brought you to the NLP course?
I wanted to improve my communication skills. In social conversations, I used to jump to conclusions and give solutions too quickly, and I didn't choose my words carefully. I also wanted to manage my emotions better, especially at work.
My dad encouraged me to take an NLP course to learn how to give people space to share their thoughts, listen actively, and adjust my inner state. So I joined the training at Mind Transformations.
2) What helped you in this course? What were some of your bigger takeaways?
One of my most significant takeaways is changing how I ask questions and listen. I care about my friends and want to help where I can. What Barney said has stayed with me: “Everyone has the solution to their problem.” Instead of offering solutions, I am more deliberate and ask questions so they can find their direction or a solution that they already have within themselves.
When I was career transitioning and looking for companies to join, I noticed how my questions had changed. As a result, I got the answers I needed faster than before.
The classroom is a safe and fun environment for us to learn. Barney gave many tips during practice sessions, and the facilitators constantly checked in on us. There were ample breaks, and I liked how Barney made us move around so we didn’t just stay in one position. All these help us pay attention and remember what we learn, and the practice solidifies the learning.
The people attending the course matter a lot. We have a growth mindset and share openly, which is very important for helping us all move forward as individuals.
I've learned and grown a lot over the past few months.

Recently, an acquaintance unexpectedly threw me a series of questions with many assumptions. In the past, I would have been quick to judge and gotten into a heated argument, which would have ruined the relationship. Instead, I noticed my emotions rising, took a few seconds to calm myself down, and tried to understand the positive intention behind his behaviour. He was saying all that not because he was a bad person; he meant well. As a result, I managed to explain my perspective calmly.
3) What might you say to someone considering learning NLP?
I highly recommend that everyone join this NLP course. You will grow in many different areas.
If you want to work on connecting with people, you'll learn more about yourself and manage your emotions to leverage different ways to build meaningful relationships with others.

The skills that many call coaching skills, you can also use in social settings -- as I have -- to communicate better with others. You don't have to want to be a coach to find them helpful.
The team at Mind Transformations made a huge difference in how we learned in class. Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart.