Turning Shit into Gold
Turning our Personality Limitations into Transformative Growth
Many people know and are familiar with their triggers, the stories they tell themselves and the traps that they fall into – in short, their “shit”.
After all, they’ve struggled with these recurring issues for a long time.
This doesn’t change even if you know your Enneagram type and personality patterns.
Over time, you might have noticed that your challenges continue to repeat in a similar fashion.
You might even have studied your successes and failures in detail and tried different ways to deal with the repetitive problems, such as:
Moved to a new job but faced with the same types of difficult stakeholders.
Took on a new project in a new domain, but it feels like you’re running on the same hamster wheel.

You could see your personality’s unconscious and powerful influence on your:
- Patterns and ways of thinking, feeling and acting
- Focus of attention
- Relationships with others
And recognise how they contribute to your recurrent challenges?
Then, leverage your understanding of your personality patterns to spin the flywheel the other way, step out of your box towards development and growth, and rewrite your story the way you want.
Want to get some ideas from how others are breaking out of their personality challenges?
“Turning Shit into Gold” is a compact 75-minute fireside chat where you get to listen in as we unpack with one of our NLE practitioners - her challenges and how they relate to the Enneagram personality type she has, and how she goes about staying aware and regulating herself to overcome those challenges.
“Turning Shit into Gold” is an opportunity for us to see how NLP and NLE work to create sustainable improvement for a person. You can use this opportunity to get new insights, take stock of your progress, recalibrate and organise yourself to continue your personal development journey through the lens of your personality.
You’ll get a glimpse of how understanding your Enneagram personality type allows you to free yourself from the shackles of your personality patterns - by making small, intentional efforts every day to create new, supportive patterns for yourself.
Developed by Mind Transformations, Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram (NLE) merges Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the Enneagram. This unique approach empowers individuals to appreciate the nuances of personality limitations and opportunities, utilising NLP to overcome inherent challenges.
"Turning Shit into Gold" is for

Graduates of Mind Transformations’
NLP and NLE training

Individuals curious about personal development through Enneagram personality development
“Turning Shit into Gold” is not:

Dr Barney Wee is the founder of Mind Transformations. He’s also a NLP Master Trainer and Coach Master Trainer.
Dr Wee’s contribution to the field of NLP includes the development of Multi-Intelligence NLP. His PhD research focussed on Vertical Development in NLP Coaching.
He has co-authored a book, “Choices of Now - Urgent Decisions for Co-Creating the Future of Our World”.
About Mind Transformations
Founded in 1997, Mind Transformations is Singapore’s most established training provider in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram (NLE) and Coach certification programmes accredited by the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI).
Through the years, we have conducted our programmes for individuals and companies in Singapore and elsewhere, including Mauritius, Thailand and Vietnam.
Session details
Date: 10 December 2024 (Tue)
Time: 8:00 pm to 9:15 pm (SG time, UTC+8)
Venue: Online (registration is required)
This event is organised by Mind Transformations, Singapore’s most established training provider in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram and ICI Coach certification programmes.
Turning Shit into Gold
Registration for this event has ended.
For more information about NLE or other programmes, we invite you to fill in the contact us form below to get started.