Upgrade Yourself Before the Year Ends

Upgrade Yourself Before the Year Ends

Go Beyond Knowing to Taking Effective Action

If you want to work well in and with diverse teams to deliver results and recover from setbacks and make progress even when the going gets tough, don’t miss this opportunity to upgrade yourself in the second half of the year.

Mind Transformations’ programmes enable learners to gain:

  • Interpersonal skills: communication, collaboration, leadership & influence
  • Intrapersonal skills: self-mastery & self-regulation
  • Better understanding of themselves and others

These programmes include:

  • NLP High Impact People Skills
  • NLP Practitioner Certification
  • Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram (NLE) Practitioner Certification

Our coaching programmes emphasise the development of the coaching mindset and micro-skills, enabling coaches to 

  • support each client as a whole person in their unique context,
  • create psychological safety,
  • smoothly guide the client to evaluate their complex circumstances & take ownership, and
  • bring out the client’s conscious and unconscious resources to grow and make tangible progress towards their desired outcomes.
  • ICI Associate Coach Certification



Bangkok: 10 - 14 Aug

Singapore: 26 - 30 Oct

Module 1: 26 - 30 Oct
Module 2: 16 - 18 Nov
Module 3: 30 Nov - 2 Dec

13 - 17 Sep, 11 - 16 Oct

27 - 31 Jul, 9 - 13 Nov

Mauritius: 11 - 15 Oct

Singapore: 7 - 9 Dec

* Programmes in Singapore unless indicated otherwise