Enneagram Personality Profiling & Coaching
Enneagram Overview
Enneagram Applications
Know your type
“He who looks outside, dreams.
He who looks inside, awakens.”
– Carl Jung
The Enneagram is a penetrating and insightful ancient personality profiling system that has gained recognition in the modern psychological community.

Benefits of Understanding your
Enneagram Type
- Understand your natural strengths and inherent weaknesses
- Realise your core motivations, desires and fears
- Situations that bring out the best and worst in you
- Types of people that bring out the best and worst in you
- Evidence to let you know when you are at your healthy self and red flags to signal your unhealthy self
- Suggestions to work on bringing out your hidden potential, to be your best healthy self
- Understand others more clearly and how to get along better
6 Steps to get Started
- Contact us to make an appointment.
- Fill in a 45 minute questionnaire.
- Your profile will be analyzed and the report sent to you in approximately 5 days.
- A date will be set to meet with the coach for a 60 minute consultation.
- Fees: S$250, consisting of Profile Assessment & Report (S$100) and 60 minute Consultation (S$150)
- An ongoing one-to-one coaching relationship can be arranged separately.