Career Growth 4D
Take your career to the next level with Multi-Intelligence NLP online self-paced program.
Career Growth 4D
Take your career to the next level with Multi-Intelligence NLP online self-paced program.
What's included:
- NEW* English version of interview feature on Lianhe Zaobao papers
- A 90-minute video on the changes in the VUCA business world
- An interview on how a HR professional uses Multi-Intelligence NLP and coaching to lead her career growth
- How to expand your Multi-Intelligence capacity to think and act strategically to be future-fit
- Receive a PDF workbook on Strategic Personal Shifts to Future-Fit Your Career
- Opportunity to apply for a complimentary Set to Grow career conversation
What's included:
+ NEW* English version of interview feature on Lianhe Zaobao papers
+ A 90-minute video on the changes in the VUCA business world
+ An interview on how a HR professional uses Multi-Intelligence NLP and coaching to lead her career growth
+ How to expand your Multi-Intelligence capacity to think and act strategically to be future-fit
+ Receive a PDF workbook on Strategic Personal Shifts to Future-Fit Your Career
+ Opportunity to apply for a complimentary Set to Grow career conversation
How to stay relevant & resourceful in times of uncertainty
As jobs are displaced, leadership and organisations are changing their business model in this 4th Industrial Revolution, the fear of becoming obsolete & being replaced gets stronger. With the dynamic VUCA forces constantly shaping the way we live, interact, make decisions and work, what are some of the future changes we want to be able to prepare ahead of time? How can you stay relevant and resourceful in times of uncertainty?
Here's what you can benefit from this online program:

How to reinvent yourself with new mindsets and paradigm shifts in your career and outcomes to thrive in the 21st century

7 critical skills to become more agile, resilient and resourceful; allowing you to create transformational results

Develop a customised personal and professional growth roadmap with our team. On application basis. Sign up for more details!