Barney founded Mind Transformations in 1997 and he’s been conducting NLP training and coaching programmes ever since.
His work has spread to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Mauritius.
He has a Ph.D. in Professional Coaching and Human Development. He is an NLP Master Trainer and a Coach Master Trainer.
Over the past 20 years, Barney has trained thousands of NLP practitioners and corporate executives in the practical applications of NLP in the arenas of Sales, Communication, Coaching, Teambuilding, Interviewing Skills, Personal Effectiveness and especially “Changing of Mindsets.” He’s done several multi-level interventions and modelling executive excellence in organisations like BTPN, BBC Worldwide, NUS, BMTC, AXA Wealth, NHGP, LUX Resorts & Hotels and many more.
He’s been conducting training and doing coaching in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mauritius.

Why choose us?

Because our unique methodology – which we’ve pioneered and developed over 20 years – helps you to connect, expand and align your MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES to accelerate your personal & interpersonal excellence.
NLP is typically viewed as a skill or technology that’s mostly in the head. However, we consider that if people could solve their problems through logic and reasoning only – they’d solve them fast and easily.
But we know it’s not always that simple; sometimes, “illogical” problems require us to mobilise different resources besides our logical mind.

We don’t have one but FOUR major forms of intelligence we can tap into to deal with issues like having no time left to do what we want, struggling to get the energy for effective performance, lacking clarity and focus for handling our priorities, etc.
Our methodology – developed over 20 years – helps you to connect, expand and align the different intelligences to accelerate your personal & interpersonal excellence and generate holistically powerful solutions.
What People Say About Us
who use NLP and our Multiple Intelligences approach as a way to build a better future for yourself and our world.

More and more organisations are promoting practices such as retreats and mind-body training programs, creating a space in the workplace for meditation, etc. Companies like Prentice Hall Publishing, Google, Nike, Proctor & Gamble not only witnessed an improvement in their employees’ health & temperament, but also work performance, job satisfaction, job engagement, affective organisational commitment, etc.– which contributed to raising bottom-line profits.
The ultimate intention of incorporating “do good do well” into organisational practices is not an entirely unselfish consideration: more and more companies find it powerful in attracting new and retaining customers, but also recruiting and retaining quality employees.
According to a Bentley University study featured on Forbes, 85% of millenials said they want to work for a socially responsible and ethical company. The Cone 2010 Study showed that 85% of consumers are likely to switch brands similar in price and quality, to one that supports a cause; 54% of this group are willing to pay more to buy green products.
So does promoting “do good do well” impact business profitability? Ask Body Shop, TOM Shoes, Whole Foods, Life is good Inc., Jelly (Web App), New Belgium Brewing, TerraCycle, and the list goes on.
Do your own research on these companies and you’ll find that doing good can lead to doing well; in fact, doing good is helping them to do well. As it is clearly shown here (more info in our book, Choices of Now), our ideal to be good and do good, need not be in conflict with our desire to do well in our workplace.

Unlock your MULTI-INTELLIGENCE today!

Check out our Complete NLP Training.
This is the programme that enabled more than 2000 people to build their authentic self-confidence and improve their personal influence.

Try out our Live NLP class.
Get a first-hand experience of how we conduct the longest running and most demanding NLP training in Asia.