Mind Transformations cares & strives to make a positive difference
In 2009, Mind Transformations had been in business for 12 years and we were doing well. We had survived the Asian Financial Crisis, Batam racial riots, the SARS crisis, the subprime triggered global recession and we were still standing.

Our training back in the days of 2002, when we were still in Cantonment Road
At the same time we have witnessed the shocking 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, followed by Hurricane Katrina, devastating earthquakes, floods, and a series of ongoing climate and biodiversity degradation events.
With a couple of serendipitous findings and chance encounters with certain individuals and books, we realised that life was not about eating, sleeping, making more money, buying more stuff, going for vacations… then rinse and repeat.
So we asked ourselves some life-changing questions:
“Can we keep running our business in the same way for another 20 years?
How do we actually make a difference? Do we really care for the world?”
These questions probed the inner core of our existence.
“Who Are We?” “What’s our purpose?” “What are our perceived limits?”
This led to our big AHA! moment:
In all these years of working and training to help people grow, we were actually striving …
…to see a world where our children still get to enjoy the best, where there’s still plenty of nature, where people care about each other and they experience happiness; real, authentic happiness that lasts.
To achieve all these, we knew we had to start running our business differently, sustainably.
This is what brought us to sell our office, run our business virtually, adopt green practices in many aspects of our business, and reduce our classes down to only 4-5 per year.
We also closed our doors to embark on a new project, which we will share with you in just a bit.

The cozy training room (with lots of natural light) that we sold off in 2010
to embark on the new project.
We believe that…
“In the power to change oneself is the same power to change the world.”
– Anwar Sadat
This may be just a motivational quote to some, but to us, it’s the very principle that drives us and our business. We know every person has a unique gift and through that gift – the great power to make things better on a much larger scale.

When we’re at our best mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, when we learn how to take control of ourselves and take responsibility for our actions, we truly support life in all its expressions and humanity can advance as a whole.
We’re already witnessing actions being taken: businesses promoting fair-trade to improve the lives of their fellow countrymen; NGO’s implementing educational strategies to empower children; there’s more awareness and actions taken to improve the environment; activists are promoting the humane treatment of animals; there’s a growing number of life-supportive people around the world who are reducing consumption and their carbon footprint, etc.
Most companies start giving to charity only after making a lot of money. At the heart of our business, however, we strive to do good in the world and we believe that in doing so, we would also do well.
This is actually what motivates us to keep doing well: knowing that it will enable us to do greater good.

The Paskay Project at T’astayoc and the Animal Shelter Project in Bangkok.
Simply having a grand vision and talking about it
doesn’t actually make anything happen.
We carry out our “Do Good Do Well” in 3 fundamental ways:
Firstly, we want to connect with people who aspire, like us, to build a better world through Choices of Now – a book and a movement for those who want to see and make a change in the world.

Secondly, we collaborate and support different local and nonprofit organisations to which our
philosophies are aligned. Read more about the causes we support
Thirdly, with Mind Transformations we continue to be the longest running NLP training company in Asia (since 1997), that truly believes in making balanced and pragmatic changes that promote happiness and sustainable results.

Mind Transformations’ Focus: Leading-edge Human-change Technologies
We constantly and proactively grow by tuning into the emerging trends in human-change technologies. It is our mission and responsibility to translate ideas that are paradigm-shifting and hard to understand into tangible expressions and applications.
We push the boundaries of rationality and conventions to empower people and over the years, we’ve dramatically enhanced our courses to give our students the most updated knowledge, frameworks and tools to achieve the results they and their clients desire.
As you will see below, Mind Transformations is the forerunner in the philosophy of integration, which is based on the principle that sustainable change comes from aligning the different realms of human intelligences: the Spiritual (SQ), Emotional (EQ), Intellectual (IQ) & Physical (PQ).
In short, instead of proclaiming that one realm is more powerful than the rest, we progressively integrate all of them. The result of this integration work has given us the distinct edge that enables us to make a difference for people.

A Complete Training that helps people align their IQ, EQ, PQ and SQ
Here are 6 powerful, time-tested modalities we’ve integrated into our NLP training:
- Multi-Dimensional Thinking (IQ)
- By incorporating several vital elements of NLP into one coherent framework, we empower people with a diagnostic tool to gather crucial information – so the right solution can be created. This framework helps our practitioners think in more fluid and resourceful ways. While others talk about systems thinking, we turn it into a practical information-gathering and solution-generation skill.
- Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram (IQ + EQ)
- A unique synthesis of the Enneagram personality system & NLP. This unique combination helps our practitioners get to the heart of their problems quickly because the Enneagram reveals their core fears and core motivations. NLP then provides the tools and processes to turn their weaknesses into strengths, and expand their strengths to more areas of their lives. The fusion of these two robust systems has helped us to create brand new frameworks and processes.
- Meridian Tapping Techniques (EQ + PQ)
- Connected to the field of energy psychology, the Meridian Tapping Technique utilises the intelligence of the body in the form of meridian points and bio-energy systems. Based on the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine revitalised by modern psychology, this mind, heart and body transformation approach resembles acupuncture – without needles! By tapping with your fingers on specific meridian points in a particular sequence, you can transform negative emotions within 20 minutes or less.
- Raising Consciousness Through the Map of Consciousness (SQ)
- This groundbreaking framework developed by the renowned psychiatrist Dr. David Hawkins, delineates the different levels of human consciousness. Using our integral change-works, you can sustainably move away from anger, craving, fear, guilt and shame and raise your daily self-awareness baseline to the realms of courage, willingness, acceptance, love and joy. By doing so, you make better decisions, act more ecologically, treat yourself and others more compassionately, etc.
Delivery is as important as content
We’re fully aware that having the latest knowledge and tools does NOT guarantee results. Many companies boast about being number one in their areas of expertise, but instead of doing that, we spend our time designing and perfecting our delivery. Without it, we would not offer the full value of our expertise.
The eloquence of the Trainer is not the main ingredient of students’ success; it is the quality of the practice and supervision in class that ultimately gives students competence and confidence.

Barney uses Brain-Compatible teaching strategies to teach to the way the brain naturally learns.
Only 30% classroom time is on lecture, the rest of the time – the students have to do the
heavy lifting. This is our secret in training very competent NLP Practitioners.
And the 4 Interconnecting Principles that you will see in ALL our trainings
Brain Friendly
Instead of just dumping information onto you, we help you remember the learning without relying heavily on notes. This is something we boldly claim because we use Brain-Compatible teaching strategies, i.e. “we teach with the brain in mind.”
We’ve carefully designed our class activities to help you “get it” by doing exercises, not just by sitting and listening. And we mean what we say: we spend more than 45% of the classroom time doing activities that help people infuse NLP into their behaviour.
How to Do It
We show you how the techniques are used. We break down into steps every single thing our trainer teaches you in class, show you how to execute it, explain the reason for doing it and what the critical points are. Before you even finish your NLP training, you’ll already be able to model and replicate success.
Living NLP
We help you incorporate the NLP you learn in class into your daily routine. At the end of the day, unless you do this, no lasting change will ever take place. We allot time for you to crystallise and articulate what you’ve learnt, and insert the learning into specific areas of your life.
2000+ people have graduated from our NLP
Since 1997, we’ve run our NLP training in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and recently in Mauritius.
People who come to our classes usually want to be more confident, advance in their careers, be more influential, become competent coaches and trainers, or pursue their dreams by learning how to fully utilise their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.
With the different nationalities that have taken our certification courses over the years, we now have graduates that practice what we teach in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Romania, Australia, Nepal, Vietnam, China, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

NLP Master Practitioners Class of 2015 and receiving a very meaningful gift they have hand-crafted for us.
Praises from our graduates…
“NLP was worth every penny I paid for it. It has allowed me to gain more rapport with people and to control my emotions. This is translated into several benefits: a) improved sales and marketing results, b) improved staff coaching and productivity, and c) better family relationships.
I plan on sending all my staff to Mind Transformations NLP courses to drive the results through my organization. I would recommend the NLP program to anyone.
– Paul Stefansson
Head of Investment Specialists in Funds, Hedge Funds Private Equity
“I recommend Barney’s NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner programmes above any others in Singapore. I not only had a fun time, I notice Barney’s students appear to have a much wider skill set than any of his competitors. That’s partly because Barney puts so much of himself into them, I think. All trainers/coaches will want to avail themselves of his expertise.”
– Liz Gay
Founder and Lead Trainer of Futurity Pte Ltd
Author of Living From the Heart
“I can’t believe how I allowed my self-doubt and limiting beliefs to take control of my life all these years, to the extent that I sabotaged myself whenever something good happens.
Thank goodness, with NLP I’ve taken back the steering wheel in my life, drove all those things that doesn’t belong to my present, and put it back to where it’s supposed to be; the past. Now, not only do I know what I wanted to do with my life, I know WHY I’m doing it.”
– Irene Khor
Complementary Health Practitioner
“I must say that Barney is the MOST conscientious NLP Trainer and Coach I have ever seen. If you want fast-food style NLP training, go somewhere else. If you want the REAL Thing, go get Barney! By the way, book him in advance as he is real busy!”
– C J Ng
Business Performance Consultant
“If you are looking for masters, Barney is a very good choice. He is very good at his craft, and he is able to explain complex ideas in a very understandable way. Not only did I learn all those ideas & concepts from him, I also learnt quite alot on his training styles, which helped me in my (own) training.”
– Cynthia Zhai
Voice Coach, Speaker & Trainer
What do you want to make happen in your lifetime
that will remain as a legacy?
Our experience tells us that you can achieve a great deal in your life by just developing yourself
in these 3 primary areas:
- Learn how to COACH and bring out the best in others
- Build that TRUST, that inner knowing about yourself that makes your CONFIDENCE unshakeable in any situation
And these are the areas we focus on in our training.
There’s never enough time for us to do
everything, but we can focus and act on what
matters most.
Get Started with These 3 Simple Steps Today!

Take a Free 7-week NLP mini course, delivered right to your inbox. You will pick up the basic principles of NLP in a short period of time at absolutely no charge.

Check out our Complete NLP Training. This is the programme that enabled 2K+ people to build their authentic self-confidence and improve their personal influence.

Preview our Live NLP Training. Get a first-hand experience how we conduct the longest running and most demanding NLP training in Asia.